BRONZE and SILVER (Most Popular) Packages:
Bronze and Silver packages are for clients who do not (at this point) want a full written report of the home inspection. A walk-through is less formal and does not require the inspector to adhere to a Standards of Practice or generate a full written report. The inspector's observations about the property are communicated orally to the client.
View Walk-Through Inspection Agreement
View Sample Inspection Checklist (Silver package)
GOLD and PLATINUM Packages:
A general home inspection is a non-invasive, visual examination of the accessible areas of a residential property, performed for a fee, which is designed to identify defects within specific systems and components defined by these Standards that are both observed and deemed materialby the inspector. The scope of work may be modified by the Client and Inspector prior to the inspection process.
The general home inspection is based on the observations made on the date of the inspection, and not a prediction of future conditions. The general home inspection will not reveal every issue that exists or ever could exist, but only those material defects observed on the date of the inspection.
A material defect is a specific issue with a system or component of a residential property that may have a significant, adverse impact on the value of the property, or that poses an unreasonable risk to people. The fact that a system or component is near, at,or beyond the end ofits normal,useful life is not, in itself, a material defect.
A general home inspection report shall identify, in written format, defects within specific systems and components defined by these Standards that are both observed and deemed material by the inspector. Inspection reports may include additional comments and recommendations.
View Home Inspection Inspection Agreement
View Sample Inspection Report without photos (Gold package)
View Sample Inspection Report with photos (Platinum package)
A commercial property is defined as the building structures and improvements located on a parcel of commercial real estate. These may include structures such as buildings with residential units operated for profit, mixed-use buildings, strip malls, motels, factories, storage facilities, restaurants and office buildings.
The commercial inspection is defined as the process of an inspector collecting information through visual observation during a walk-through survey of the subject property, conducting research about the property, and then generating a meaningful report about the condition of the property based on the observations made and research conducted by the inspector. A commercial inspection requires the inspector to make observations, conduct research, and report findings.
View Commercial Inspection Agreement
View Commercial Inspection Standards of Practice
If you’re not satisfied with our service, we’ll refund you upon signing the General Release.